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Fondation Segré is supporting WWF to implement a model of Marine Protected Areas (MPA) management in 3 marine areas in the Coral Triangle: Cendrawasih Bay in Indonesia, the Palawan MPA Network in the Philippines, and Koon Island in Indonesia.

This project will contribute significantly to our overall efforts in the Coral Triangle to expand the network of critical marine areas that are protected, effectively managed and sustainably financed.

© Fondation Segre

Fondation Segré is committed to protecting biodiversity and its coexistence with human communities, through the protection of threatened species and their habitat and the restoration of degraded ecosystems.

► Foundation website

Thanks to the foundation, WWF is rolling out an ambitious project to trial new approaches to manage MPAs, specifically:
  • Support the creation of two new MPAs in the Philippine’s Palawan MPA Network and Indonesia’s Koon Island to protect marine and coastal ecosystems for fisheries production.
  • Engage the business sector in investing in the establishment and management of MPAs and sustainable fisheries in Indonesia and the Philippines.
  • Work with artisanal fishing communities in Indonesia’s Cendrawasih Bay MPA and the proposed Koon Island MPA to formalize their fishing rights and implement sustainable fisheries management practices.
We believe project outcomes will greatly improve the understanding and support for MPAs in the Coral Triangle and assist to reverse the loss of marine biodiversity.

This project will develop a model for potential implementation or adaptation in other areas across the Coral Triangle to enhance food security and reverse the declining loss of food sources and livelihoods.

© Jürgen Freund / WWF