The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
An ocean of green opportunities in the Coral Triangle
By forging an alliance with WWF, businesses in the seafood and tourism sectors can ensure they grow sustainably while allowing the Coral Triangle’s biodiversity to thrive. Here’s how.

Local fishermen with tuna catch Sulu Sea, Philippines
Without measures to implement best practices on environmental management, businesses risk losing market share, access to capital, and the goodwill needed to operate profitably.
They also put at risk the Coral Triangle’s future as the world’s most biologically diverse marine region.
Working with companies that show a genuine environmental commitment and those ready to implement gradual changes in their business, WWF can support efforts towards long-term business and environmental sustainability.
They also put at risk the Coral Triangle’s future as the world’s most biologically diverse marine region.
Working with companies that show a genuine environmental commitment and those ready to implement gradual changes in their business, WWF can support efforts towards long-term business and environmental sustainability.
Benefits of collaborating with WWF
- Positive reputation and publicity opportunities
- Access to technical know-how
- Networking with other businesses in the same sector
- New market opportunities downstream

From left to right: ANOVA Seafood International represented by Mr. Blane Olson, Bank Negara Indonesia represented by Ms. Niken Damayanti, D and L Seafoods represented by Mr. Oscar Almeda, Frabelle Fishing represented by Mr. Francisco P. Tiu Laurel, Jr. and TSP Marine, represented by Mr. Dexter Teng, Socksargen Fishing Federation and Allied Industries (SFFAI) represented by Mr. Marfenio Tan, Culimer B.V. represented by Mr. Martin Brugman, Cebu Pacific Air represented by Lory Tan of WWF-Philippines. WWF awarded these companies certificates of recognition for their contribution to help the Coral Triangle during the WWF Coral Triangle Business Summit in January 2010, Manila.
WWF’s partnerships with the private sector are defined by sound science and technical innovations that reduce environmental impacts such as fisheries bycatch.
Find out more how your business could benefit from collaborating with WWF in the Coral Triangle:
Find out more how your business could benefit from collaborating with WWF in the Coral Triangle: