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The Coral Triangle Fishers Forum is a platform to enable fisher folks to gain perspective from fishers around the region, learn more about the issues that affect them, and gain a common ground in achieving sustainable and equitable fisheries.

The CTFF is an ongoing platform, with biennial meetings around specific themes. For both industrial and smaller-scale fisheries, the opportunity to share experiences, highlight practical solutions and discuss issues among peers will provide a good basis for addressing pressing issues.

The biennial meetings gather regional stakeholders, especially local fishers and industry representatives, to identify strategies and solution models around specific issues, with the goal of improving the long-term viability of fishing communities and reduce impacts from fisheries in the region.

At each gathering, consensus recommendations are developed for future individual and/or collective advocacy at policy and decision-making tables.

Individual members, associations, agencies and other members are also asked to make specific commitments around these recommendations, as well contribute to the shared Action Plan that is developed at the meetings.

Who is the CTFF for?

  • Fisher folk representatives and leaders of fishing associations
  • Processing company managers
  • Export/buyer company managers
  • Fisheries managers, certifiers, advisors and technicians
Through web-based communications the CTFF secretariat – hosted by WWF CTGI) provides a monitoring and two-way reporting function, encouraging action, follow-up, and ensuring advocacy and other key consensus points and recommendations are brought to relevant stakeholders and decision-makers in a timely and effective manner.

Get the presentations from previous CTFF events: