Archive Content

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© WWF Sweden
​How sustainable is your steak?
One of today’s biggest challenges is the increasing consumption of meat. Meat contributes important nutrients to the human diet, but today we eat more meat than recommended by the World Health Organisation and what is sustainable for the planet.  The way meat is produced also has effects on the environment, climate change and in the context of the Baltic Sea – enhancing the effects of eutrophication.

WWF is working to ensure equitable access to healthy food for all within the limits of one planet. That means food sustainably produced and fairly distributed. WWF is leading a flagship project under the EU Strategy for Baltic Sea Region PA Nutri – CONSUME – a Baltic project aimed at developing consumer meat guides in all Baltic Sea countries. This is a tool to help businesses and consumers make a conscious choice when buying or eating meat products. The guide also demonstrates how alternative protein sources can replace and complements meat diets. Today, Germany, Sweden and Finland have released consumer meat guides.

CONSUME is a Swedish Institute seed funded project which started in November 2016 and will develop the initial information needed for developing meat guides in the region under the coming 18 months till April 2018. The project will also work with researchers to try to develop a eutrophication criterion for the guide methodology. 

Available meat guides

The Finnish meat guide 
© Saara Tunturi/WWF Finland

Germany, Sweden and Finland have released consumer meat guides.