Archive Content

Please note: This page has been archived and its content may no longer be up-to-date. This version of the page will remain live for reference purposes as we work to update the content across our website.

Please note that this list is not comprehensive. For an up-to-date list of our partners and sponsors, please contact us.

Who supports our work…

Those we work with…

  • Alexander Von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute (Colombia)
  • APCOB - Support for the Indigenous Peasant from Eastern Bolivia
  • CADEFOR – Amazonic Center for Sustainable Forest Enterprise
  • CSF – Conservation Strategy Fund
  • CI - Conservation International
  • CFV - Bolivian Council of Voluntary Forest Certification
  • CIBAPA - Lower Paraguá Indigenous Central (Bolivia)
  • CIDEDER - Integrated Center for Ecological Defense (Bolivia)
  • COBODES - Bolivian Consulting Firm for Sustainable Development
  • FAUNAGUA (Bolivia)
  • FSC – Forest Stewardship Council
  • FUNDESNAP - Foundation for the Development of the National Protected Areas System
  • FUNDFORMA - Forestry Formation and Environment Development Foundation (Bolivia)
  • GTZ – German Technical Assistance Agency
  • IBIF - Bolivian Institute for Forestry Research
  • IMAFLORA - Institute for Forest and Agriculture Management and Certification
  • Imazon - Amazon Institute of People and the Environment
  • IPHAE - Institute for Man, Agriculture and Ecology (Bolivia)
  • REMA (Rescue in your Hands), Bolivia
  • SERNAP - National Protected Areas Service, Bolivia
  • SNV - Dutch Service for Development Cooperation
  • TBI – Tropenbos International
  • TNC - The Nature Conservancy
  • WCS - Wildlife Conservation Society

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