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© Wild Wonders of Europe /Frank Krahmer / WWF
Our solutions
International cooperation across the Alps will be key to saving Alpine nature.
Through an ecoregional approach to conservation, the WWF European Alpine Programme (EALP) is helping to save Alpine nature in its entirety. Solutions are concentrated on those areas that are most important for conservation: the Alpine gemstones and their corresponding connection areas.
The EALP has also identified ‘priority issues’ in the Alps for which conservation strategies are immediately necessary. Large carnivores – including the bear, wolf, and lynx – may be returning to the Alps, but the viability of re-established populations is far from secure. The EALP has made this a priority topic and conservation work is ongoing. The heavy human pressures on alpine rivers and lakes is also of concern for the EALP, especially given that the Alps are a leading source of freshwater for Europe. Actions on other important alpine issues, including tourism, education, wilderness, and communication, are also ongoing.What We Do
Alpine Conservation
Learn about the WWF European Alpine Programme's conservation work in the Alps from our new brochure "Joint Action for Nature in the European Alps" located on our Publications page.
Gemstone Areas
Together with its partners, the WWF EALP identified the most important areas in the Alps for which conservation measures are immediately necessary. These are the gemstone areas of the Alps.Read more...
Connection Areas
For protected areas to be effective, they must also be accessible to animals and plants living outside. WWF is working to connect important natural areas within the Alps (internal corridors) as well as to link the Alps to the surrounding mountain ranges (external corridors).Read more...
Large Carnivores
Low acceptance and habitat fragmentation are some of the biggest barriers to the return of the wolf, bear, and lynx in the Alps. WWF is helping to facilitate the return of these large carnivores to their former Alpine territory.Read more...
Rivers and lakes in the Alps have been intensively altered and degraded. Both conservationists and water managers alike must find common solutions to ensure the sustainable management of Alpine freshwater.Read more...