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Organic gardening is the use of natural compost and manure to fertilise and grow plants and flowers. No harmful chemicals or pesticides are used to protect the plants. As opposed to gardening that uses pesticides and other chemicals, organic gardening is truly natural.
Organic gardening is one of the many ways in which we can get our share from the earth as well as preserve it for future generations. Not only is it safe, but it also does not harm the soil, the habitat or the environment.
For many it is not only saving the planet that prompts them to go for organic gardening. It is also a healthier option if you are growing fruit and vegetables. You also don't have to worry about children or animals gaining access to your gardening chemicals.
Some may complain that it is time consuming, and that it takes much more effort to know about different creatures and also to make your own compost but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
You can create your own organic garden
Take a wooden box of about 1.5 to 2 feet deep, 3-4 feet long and 2-3 feet wide. Clean it and make 5-6 small holes at the bottom for the water to drain out. Take some fresh garden soil but make sure it does not have any artificial manure or pesticides mixed in it.
You can mix some cow dung or natural compost in the soil. Mix the soil thoroughly. Cover the holes in the box with small wire meshes or very small pebbles so that the sand or soil does not get in and block the drainage holes. Put the mixed soil in the box.
Select some flower/plant seedlings or seeds and plant them in the soil. Keep some distance between each seed, as the plants will need space to grow.
For your project you should select plants or seeds that will flower or give fruit during the time of your submission. Check at the local gardening store to select the right seeds of fruits and vegetables.
Take care to water your seeds and make sure they do not get too much sun or rain. Keep checking that the drainage is not blocked or too much water in the soil will destroy the seeds. When required you can add more manure and fertilizers to the soil but make sure they are natural and do not have any harmful chemicals.
When submitting your project label each fruit and vegetable and also make a display chart of the manures and fertilizers used with information about what it is made of.
For many it is not only saving the planet that prompts them to go for organic gardening. It is also a healthier option if you are growing fruit and vegetables. You also don't have to worry about children or animals gaining access to your gardening chemicals.
Some may complain that it is time consuming, and that it takes much more effort to know about different creatures and also to make your own compost but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
- No chemicals are used. So all home-grown fruits and vegetables are safe
- Using natural compost keeps the soil in good condition
- Improvement in soil structure encourages beneficial creatures like worms which again lead to more fertility.
- Doesn't require much to make it. You can make your own compost from garden and kitchen waste.
You can create your own organic garden
Take a wooden box of about 1.5 to 2 feet deep, 3-4 feet long and 2-3 feet wide. Clean it and make 5-6 small holes at the bottom for the water to drain out. Take some fresh garden soil but make sure it does not have any artificial manure or pesticides mixed in it.
You can mix some cow dung or natural compost in the soil. Mix the soil thoroughly. Cover the holes in the box with small wire meshes or very small pebbles so that the sand or soil does not get in and block the drainage holes. Put the mixed soil in the box.
Select some flower/plant seedlings or seeds and plant them in the soil. Keep some distance between each seed, as the plants will need space to grow.
For your project you should select plants or seeds that will flower or give fruit during the time of your submission. Check at the local gardening store to select the right seeds of fruits and vegetables.
Take care to water your seeds and make sure they do not get too much sun or rain. Keep checking that the drainage is not blocked or too much water in the soil will destroy the seeds. When required you can add more manure and fertilizers to the soil but make sure they are natural and do not have any harmful chemicals.
When submitting your project label each fruit and vegetable and also make a display chart of the manures and fertilizers used with information about what it is made of.