Survey shows 85% of people want a global ban on single-use plastics

Posted on April, 17 2024

The IPSOS survey of more than 24,000 people show strong global sentiment on measures needed to end plastic pollution.

A new IPSOS survey of more than 24,000 people across 32 countries show that an average of 85% of people worldwide believe the global plastic treaty should ban harmful and unnecessary single-use plastics. Single-use plastics now account for more than 70% of ocean plastic pollution.

The survey, commissioned by WWF and Plastic Free Foundation, also found that:

  • 9 out of 10 people on a global average think that we must ban hazardous chemicals used in plastics
  • 87% of people want a reduction of plastic production 
  • 87% of people want to ban plastics that cannot be easily recycled in the countries where they are used.
Results of the survey, which is Ipsos’s third round of public opinion polling on international action to address plastic pollution, reinforce and build upon the results of previous rounds of polling. In particular, they paint a consistent and compelling picture of citizens across the world united and unwavering in wanting their governments to abide by rules that are binding and applicable to all parties signed to the global plastic pollution treaty.
In the first survey, released a month before countries agreed to draft a global plastic pollution treaty in March 2022, results showed that a global average of nearly nine out of 10 people believed having a global plastic pollution treaty is important to end plastic pollution. 
The second survey, released ahead of the first round of treaty negotiations in December 2022, highlighted strong international support for global rules that should be included in the treaty such as holding plastic producers responsible for reducing waste and plastic pollution from their products (78%) and banning single-use plastics (75%). 
The third and latest survey results build on those findings, showing overwhelming support for rules that demand governments radically transform the global plastics economy, such as reducing the amount of plastic produced globally by banning harmful, avoidable plastics while ensuring remaining plastics can be safely reused and recycled.

To read more about the treaty and find out how you can take action against plastic pollution, click here.
For more reports and resources on plastic pollution, click here. 
rising tides - ipsos survey
© James Morgan/WWF-US