• Mr Henry Bloomfield Melgar is a Master student in Biodiversiy Conservation at the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center in Costa Rica finishing at the end of 2016. After his studies, he is planning to return to his home country, Bolivia, to apply the biodiversity conservation skills and knowledge gained during his studies, with focus on protected areas and local communities.
  • Mr Pupo West Thales works as a freelance forest carbon auditor at the Rainforest Allience. He pursues his studies at the University of Florida in Interdisciplinary Ecology finishing the programe in early 2017. After his graduation he is planning to work for an international organization focused on environmental conservation and development.
  • Ms Sandra Sales Garcia is from Guatemala and has a Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences. She is pursuing her studies in Moxviquil, Mexico at the Centre of Training for Sustainability with focus on Sustainable Human Development in the Management and Conservation of Natural Areas. After the course, she is planning to return to her roots in Guatemala and launch a programme "Community alternatives for environmental care and buen vivir" in the most marginalized and socially excluded communities.
  • Ms Carolina Chong Montenegro is from Ecuador with a bachelor's degree in Marina Biology. She has started a 2-year MSc program at the University of Bremen in Aquatic Tropical Ecology and after her graduation, she sees herself working and educating local communities back in Ecuador where fishery resources are a vital are a vital component of the economy.
  • Ms Julia Gorricho is Colombian and has been working at WWF Colombia since 2014 as the Coordinator for the Amazon Vision projects. She has been pursuing her doctoral studies at Albert-Ludwigs University in Freiburg, Germany in Environmental Governance. After graduation, Julia is planning to return to Colombia to continue her professional career in biodiversity conservation.
  • Mr Emmanuel Da Ponte is carrying out a PhD related to Deforestration in Paraguay and Ecosystem Services approach at the University of Kiel finishing at the end of 2017. His research would provide a platform to expose the current situation of the country within an international-scientific framework and would generate the necessary information to contribute to regional land use planning programs. He is planning to work again with a NGO in Paraguay and possibly transmit his expertise to future colleuages.