The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
- Mr Abdullah Ahmad (Bangladesh) is participating in the Environmental Leadership Programme at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. Abdullah works on the Ecologically Critical Areas project at the Department of Environment in Bangladesh
- Ms Munkhuluun Basan (Mongolia) will take part in the Seminar on Planning & Management Tourism in Protected Areas at Colorado State University, USA. Munkhuluun is Protected Areas Officer at WWF Mongolia
- Mr Niraj Joshi (India) is doing a PhD in Sustainable Development at CEPT University (Centre for Environmental Planning & Technology), Ahmedabad, India. Niraj is Senior Manager of Research & Climate Change Adaptation at Aga Khan Development Network.
- Mr Agus Suyitno (Indonesia) is in the final year of his Masters in Forest Management at Mujlawarman University, Indonesia. Agus has been working as Human Elephant Conflict Mitigation Officer for WWF in East Kalimantan.
- Mr Rudi Zapariza (Indonesia) will pursue the final year of his Masters in Environmental Studies at Tanjung Pura University, West Kalimantan. Rudi is Project Leader Sintang Melawi at WWF-Indonesia.