Archive Content

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How it started...

Finally, after a sleepless night in Bangkok Airport, I was sitting in the plane again, waiting for the aircraft to take off to Bhutan, the country, where my thoughts had already been traveling to many times in the past few months… So here I was: almost twenty-four years old, half way through my psychology studies, leaving behind all my family and friends in Switzerland, overtired from the long journey, but at the same time extremely excited about this wonderful chance WWF International and WWF Bhutan had given to me, not only to explore this small Buddhist kingdom, but also to learn about structures and methods of the WWF Network to protect the wonderful gifts of mother earth. Here I am, flying over wild, rugged mountains, covered with dense forests, which are home to tigers, elephants, red pandas, snow leopards, takins, black-necked cranes and – who knows – maybe even Yetis… In between rivers and waterfalls are glittering in the sunlight and from time to time I spot golden ornament-like rice fields and small villages without even a road. And I feel that if I will be able to help even only a little to protect this Himalaya-hidden Shangri-La, Land of the Thunder Dragon, it will be the finishing touch of this fabulous three-month adventure that I am off to.
A monk inviting me into his hut 
© WWF / Colina Frisch
A monk inviting me into his hut
© WWF / Colina Frisch
Want to know more?

Please feel free to contact me!

My photos of Bhutan