The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
WWF needs your help
The natural world shows us in so many ways a simple truth: there is strength in numbers. At WWF, we envision a world in which people and nature thrive – but we’ll only get there if we all play a role. We’ll only get there if we work together. To get started, let's read some WWF's conservations stories :
Polar bear, the Arctic survivor
WWF polar biologists are supporting high-tech research using satellite collars, ear tags and DNA sampling to collect data linked to the polar bear's survival. You can help WWF ensure polar bears roam the Arctic long into the future.
Rocky future for penguins ?
The Antarctic Peninsular is heating up fast. If the temperature rises too high, penguins could find the sea ice they depend on melting beneath their feet. Discover why climate change is such a threat to Emperor and Adelie penguins. And why urgent action is needed.
SOS Snow leopard
Snow leopards are disappearing. Their numbers have tumbled by over 20 percent in less than 20 years. With as few as 4,000 left in the wild, this magnificent big cat could soon vanish for good. But with your help, we can still save it.
Saving Sweden's Arctic fox
Last century, the Arctic fox was almost hunted to extinction in Sweden. Successful conservation efforts helped rescue the species/ But it is still far from secure, since just over 200 foxes survived the last winter - too few to thrive without your support.
Face to face with a walrus
Sea ice is melting, and industrial development is coming to the Arctic. What does it mean for the mighty tusked walrus ? You can help WWF better understand walruses and protect their icy home.
Tigers : there were 3200, how many now ?
WWF biologists are counting the remaining tigers left in the wild by setting a system of camera traps. You can help WWF count and double tigers - the Tx2 goal.
Iberian lynx : back from the brink
The Iberian lynx is the world's most endangered cat. In 2002, there were fewer than 100 left in the wild. Now there are over 300. But their future is far from secure.
Orangutans: victims of human activity
The number of orang-utans has fallen dramatically in recent decades as vast swathes of forest have been destroyed to make way for palm oil and timber plantations. And as they have been poached for food or to feed the illegal pet trade. But there is still time for us to save the 'man of the forest'.
Backing rhinos to survive
Rhinos are being killed in record numbers for their horns. To find and kill them, poachers are using a variety of tools and techniques. But so are the people fighting to save them. Discover how WWF is working to protect rhinos in Africa and Asia, and how you can help.
Pangolins clinging on to survive
Pangolins are the most trafficked mammals in the world, highly prized by consumers in China and Viet Nam for their meat and their unique scales, which have evolved to protect them.
Turtles in warming waters
The oceans are warming and rising. How will sea turtles cope with their changing world ? Discover how WWF is working to protect turtles and how you can help. Help save turtles now.