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Do trees have rights? Protecting the environment in the 21st century

The framework for holding accountable those that damage the environment requires urgent re-appraisal. In this context, what rights and obligations exist and how should they be enforced?



Nationality: British

Title: International Law Barrister

About Sudhanshu

Sudhanshu is a London-based barrister, who has worked on environmental and human rights issues around the world, including in India, Colombia, Afghanistan, Syria and Darfur. He has a particular interest in the relationship between multinational corporations and the environment. Sudhanshu is Vice-Chair of the Human Rights Committee of the Bar of England and Wales and has lectured in international law at King’s College, London.

The Legal 500 has recommended him for his work in Public International Law and Human Rights, as well as in commercial fields such as Banking and Shipping. “The Lawyer” magazine has previously chosen him as one of its “Hot 100” Lawyers, noting his “impressive and worthwhile work in the field of international human rights”.

His recent cases include a landmark decision about the liability of a parent company for asbestosis contracted by the employee of its subsidiary and a group claim for environmental damage allegedly caused by the construction of an oil pipeline in Colombia. He has also acted in numerous international arbitrations and submitted arguments to the United States Supreme Court.



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