The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
Nobody gets up in the morning and decides to contribute to climate change.
To help cut down a tropical rainforest.
Or to deprive people in other parts of the world of a decent standard of living...
But our apparently innocent daily decisions, usually in developed or industrialized countries, all too often have far reaching consequences on our planet that we aren't even aware of.
© iStockPhoto / Dena Steiner
These consequences on our planet is what we call our footprint.
Our footprint is the impact each of us makes on the planet by our everyday actions.
Every time we eat, switch on a light, get in a car, drink a beer, go on holiday or buy something to wear or use, we are adding to our footprint.
Our footprint on the Earth is calculated by how much land, sea and freshwater is needed to provide the food and materials we use in our everyday lives.
It also measures the amount of energy we use and the emissions we create from oil, coal and gas, as well as the amount of land we need to absorb all the waste we create.
It is not wrong to have a footprint.
What may be wrong is how big that footprint is.