“Gobi’s great 6” has established its Regulatory Council
Posted on April, 26 2018
At the majority votes, its Chairperson and Secretary are the Governor and the Director of Environment Department of the host Aimag (province), respectively, who are appointed on annual basis. The Regulatory Council is non-permanent or part-time and has the maximum 15 (odd) members representing the target “Gobi’s Great 6” (GG-6) provinces and plus business, governmental, non-governmental, research and academic institutions, e.g. research institutions and universities, colleges, civil societies, and international organizations.
Participants of the public event “Gobi’s Great 6” held on September 26, 2017 adopted “Bayantooroi Declaration”, which included a task to establish a Regulatory Council among others. Its main responsibility is to facilitate engagement of the Parties and fundraising for conservation of the target species. On last Friday, 14 April, 2018, over 50 representatives from Govi-Altay, Khovd, Zavkhan, Bayankhongor, and Umnu-govi aimags (provinces) gathered for a meeting in Govi-Altay aimag at initiative of WWF-Mongolia. Its main agenda was to discuss and approve the Regulatory Council and the task was successfully accomplished. At the majority votes, its Chairperson and Secretary are the Governor and the Director of Environment Department of the host Aimag (province), respectively, who are appointed on annual basis. The Regulatory Council is non-permanent or part-time and has the maximum 15 (odd) members representing the target “Gobi’s Great 6” (GG-6) provinces and plus business, governmental, non-governmental, research and academic institutions, e.g. research institutions and universities, colleges, civil societies, and international organizations. As agreed, that the Chairperson and Secretary are appointed on annual basis, by the target provinces in shift. The first host province is Govi-Altay.
The public event “GG-6”, which focuses on increased public participant in conservation of the six globally endangered Gobi-Desert species: Bactrian camel, Gobi bear, Takhi or wild horse, Khulan, Mongolian saiga, and Goitered gazelle, initiated by WWF-Mongolia in 2016, becomes an extended public inspiring event for environmental conservation in the country.

Over 50 representatives from Govi-Altay, Khovd, Zavkhan, Bayankhongor, and Umnu-govi aimags (provinces) gathered for a meeting in Govi-Altay aimag at initiative of WWF-Mongolia. Its main agenda was to discuss and approve the Regulatory Council and the task was successfully accomplished.
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