EU bioenergy proposals “threat to climate and sustainable development” - NGOs

Posted on January, 09 2018

Both civil society and scientists are sounding the alarm on bioenergy
Brussels, Belgium - 9 January 2018

Today 30 NGOs from around the world are calling on MEPs to make urgent changes to planned bioenergy rules at their upcoming vote. The current plans are “a serious threat to climate and sustainable development goals”, say the NGOs, including WWF, in a letter to EU law-makers.

The EU’s proposals on bioenergy are facing increasingly widespread opposition. Over 600 scientists today sent their own letter to MEPs, urging them to “amend the present directive to avoid expansive harm to the world’s forests and the acceleration of climate change”. A new EU-wide petition to MEPs is quickly gathering support.

Alex Mason, Senior Policy Officer at WWF European Policy Office said:
“Today, both civil society and scientists are sounding the alarm on bioenergy. The message to MEPs is loud and clear: citizens don’t want their food and forests burned for energy and scientists say the proposed rules would endanger our climate. When they vote, MEPs must end support for burning trees and crops for energy.”

The European Parliament is due to vote in plenary on the European Commission’s proposed Renewable Energy Directive, including the bioenergy sustainability criteria, on Wednesday 17 January.

Alex Mason
Senior Policy Officer
WWF European Policy Office 
+32 494 762 763

Sarah Azau
Senior Communications Officer
WWF European Policy Office
+32 473 573 317
Bad EU bioenergy rules will lead to deforestation
© Tomasz Wilk