WWF response to BuzzFeed reports

Posted on marzo, 04 2019

Responding to a series of allegations about WWF's conservation work made by BuzzFeed News, a WWF spokesperson said:
At the heart of WWF’s work are places and the people who live in them. Respect for human rights is at the core of our mission.

We take any allegations seriously and are commissioning an independent review to look into the cases raised in the story. We have asked BuzzFeed to share all evidence it has obtained to support these claims, to help inform and strengthen this review.

WWF’s work relies on deep community support, engagement and inclusion. We have stringent policies designed to ensure both we and our partners are safeguarding the rights and well-being of indigenous people and local communities in the places we work. Any breach of these policies is unacceptable to us and, should the review uncover any, we are committed to taking swift action.