The Kamado is innovating in the Tsiribihina delta

Posted on septiembre, 12 2018

Father of 12 children, Laurent Noel is a farmer in the Tsiribihina delta on the west coast of Madagascar. In 2015, he took part in a training supported by WWF, in the manufacture of improved stoves Kamado
Kamado are traditional Japanese improved stoves introduced by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in Madagascar. Mud-based, it is very easy to make.Its conical shape and the soil with which it is made allow it to trap heat longer. This makes it possible to reduce by two-thirds firewood consumption compared to a hearth in the open air.

Laurent Noël became the mangrove Kamado maker in the Tsiribihina delta. He has contributed to bringing innovations to WWF's basic training model and has adapted the manufacturing to the materials available on site.For example, one of the materials mixed with the soil to make the home is straw. "I found that straw swollen by moisture decreases in volume when drying. Which tends to cause cracking of the hearth” He declares.“So I replaced this element with rice ashes to get a stronger stove”. He also thought of adding designs to embellish the rustic side of his hearths. Committed, he aims to develop his business to support his family and at the same time reduce pressure on the forest.
Elements to make a Kamado:
  • Red soil (1 bucket)
  • Clay  (1 bucket)
  • Ash  (1/2 bucket)
  • Straw   (a handful)
  •  Water   (a little to mix everything)

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