WWF: Climate talks need to speed up and mind the gap

Posted on junio, 11 2015

The growing gap between what is needed and what is being promised on finance and emissions is a concern
(Bonn, Germany 11 June 2015) – UN climate talks need to speed up and start addressing the difficult issues like finance and emissions cuts, ensuring that the outcomes will match what scientists tell us is necessary to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
Samantha Smith, leader of WWF’s Global Climate and Energy Initiative, said: “Progress in Bonn has been slow, but a bigger concern is the growing gap between what is needed and what is being promised on finance and emissions. While much work remains to close that gap, there is hope that governments are finally committed to take more action on emissions prior to 2020.
“What happened here in Bonn was big. After difficult negotiations, all countries have said that more ambitious, immediate emissions cuts are needed and these commitments must be a clear outcome of the Paris talks. However, that work needs to speed up too if we are going to avoid the very worst impacts of climate change.”
“We are pleased to see that the technical discussions on REDD+, to reduce emissions from forests have concluded. Now the focus has to shift to implementation and it must be included in the new climate agreement.”
Pierre Cannet, head of climate and energy programme at WWF-France said, “As the incoming COP Presidency, France has the duty to ensure the discussions move to the political level where the difficult decisions must be made. There will be no "Paris alliance" if we delay ambition for five more years."
Notes for Editors:
  1. Find WWF’s expectations for the Bonn Intersessional in Bonn in June here.
  2. Read WWF’s report on how to close the emissions gap over the next five years here.
For further information, contact:
Mandy Jean Woods mwoods@wwf.org.za / @MandyJeanWoods  / +27 72 393 0027
Sam Smith ssmith@wwf.no  / @pandaclimate / +47 450 22 149
Tasneem Essop tessop@wwf.org.za
About WWF - WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of the earth's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. The Global Climate & Energy Initiative (GCEI) is WWF’s global programme addressing climate change, promoting renewable and sustainable energy, scaling up green finance, engaging the private sector and working nationally and internationally on implementing low carbon, climate resilient development.
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Negotiators at the UN Climate Talks
© Mark Lutes / WWF