Enough of the plastic!

Posted on June, 06 2018

"Beat plastic pollution." This was the slogan of World Environment Day 2018. Alarmingly, it is estimated that by 2025, 50 to 130 million tons of plastic could be discarded into oceans each year. This is particularly concerning, since plastic takes about 400 years to degrade—or 16 generations—making this a global problem. But what's worse, is that plastic pollution also affects our health as well as the environment. Right now, we drink, eat and breathe plastic!
The celebration in the capital was an elaborate affair, drawing the active participation of many economics students from the University of Antananarivo. A lively debate around Economic Growth and/or Preserving the Environment brought together about 400 students. "Too many recyclables are not recycled. We can contribute to the development of the green economy by taking advantage of this plastic waste through recycling and job creation," says Rivo Sedra Tahiry Andriantsihoarana, an economics student and the organizer of the debate.
Morondava was not left out from the festivities. A great march for the environment and a conference-debate on the theme was held in the city of Mahabo. The region also held a celebration in the Tsimanampetsotse National Park and an awareness meeting in the city of Itampolo.
There are a thousand ways to fight plastic pollution in our everyday lives. We can reuse our plastics, and make more of a conscientous effort to purchase recycled products  (e.g. furniture, decorations, fashion accessories) from responsible companies, such as Green ‘N Kool.

So let’s do it—it's a noble cause for nature!
Débat sur la
Debate on "Economic growth and / or preservation of the environment" by economics students from the University of Antananarivo
© WWF Madagascar / Danny Ravelojaona
Des jeunes faisant la patrouille des plages en collectant et rassemblant les déchets et les plastiques pour protéger les nids de tortues marines.
Youth patrolling beaches by collecting and collecting waste and plastics to protect sea turtle nests.
© © Brent Stirton / Getty Images / WWF-UK
Bac à ordure dans la capitale.
Waste bin in the capital.
© WWF Madagascar / Danny Ravelojaona
Concours de ramassage de déchets à l'université de la capitale.
Contest of waste collection at the University of the capital.
© Rivo Sedra Tahiry Andriantsihoarana
Celebrations in the city of Itampolo, southwest of Madagascar.
© WWF Madagascar