Virunga oil exploration captures global attention

Posted on January, 15 2015

The BBC reported in March that the Democratic Republic of Congo is seeking to alter the boundaries of Virunga National Park, a World Heritage Site, to allow oil exploration.
The BBC reported in March that the Democratic Republic of Congo is seeking to alter the boundaries of Virunga National Park, a World Heritage Site, to allow oil exploration. UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee holds a firm position that oil and gas are incompatible with World Heritage status. WWF urges the Committee to maintain its stance in protecting global treasures such as Virunga.
A documentary on Virunga National Park received an Oscar nomination in the best feature documentary category. Virunga portrays the tremendous challenges to conservation in Africa’s oldest and most biodiverse national park, situated in the violence-torn eastern DRC – especially the fight to stop oil exploration in the park.
Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
© Kate Holt / WWF-UK