Process to implement Paris Agreement by 2020 starts in Bonn next week

Posted on October, 31 2017

At COP23, WWF will support the Marrakech Partnership through hosting strategic discussions to advance the Action Agenda and accelerate climate action.
BONN, Germany (31 October, 2017) – UN climate negotiators meet in Bonn next week to hash out key issues that go to the heart of the implementation of the Paris Agreement - keeping warming below 1.5°C.
Close to a year after the landmark treaty’s coming into force, member states must make substantive progress on the actual content of the agreement’s implementation guidelines in order for it to be fully operational by 2020. They must also launch a process to encourage national governments to increase the ambition of their national targets (NDCs) by 2020.
Following the COP decision in Paris to bring non-State actors like business, cities, investors and subnational governments into the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, there will also be a strong focus on their role and achievements, and discussions on how to more effectively integrate them into international and national efforts.
Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, leader of WWF’s global climate and energy programme, said:
‘Recent extreme weather events we have witnessed globally are a stark reminder of what is at stake. In Bonn, we must spark the momentum necessary to accelerate the climate action happening now, and scale up efforts, in line with keeping warming to 1.5°C.
‘COP23 will be the biggest test yet of the commitment and resolve of Parties to deliver on the Paris Agreement. With the collaboration of non-Party stakeholders, Parties can pass this test by showing ambition and urgency in each of these areas.’
Notes to editors:
At COP23, WWF will support the Marrakech Partnership through hosting strategic discussions to advance the Action Agenda and accelerate climate action. Find us at #pandahub in the Bonn Zone, and the programme here

Issues that require substantive progress at COP23 are indicated in the WWF expectations paper available here: 

For further information, contact: Mandy Jean Woods
UN climate body - the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change - flags flying outside the Bonn conference centre where COP23 will take place.
© Naoyuki Yamaghish / WWF