Why certification of forest products is important?

Posted on August, 29 2016

The short video/ animation has been prepared to send a message to the general public why certification of forest products is important, how the certification is connected with sustainable forest management and what is role of consumers.

The short video/ animation has been prepared within “European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) East Countries Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (FLEG) II Program” funded by the European Union (EU) to send a message to the general public why certification of forest products is important, how the certification is connected with sustainable forest management and what is role of consumers.

Certification of forest products both timber and non-timber products is internationally renowned market based tool used for achieving sustainable forest management.

Certification of forest use has been applied for more than 25 years now and this process covers retailers, producers, environmental organizations and the public.

Currently certification types such as FSC and PEFC exist and during the past 15 years the territory of forests administered in accordance with these standards has increased tenfold.
Why forest certification is important?
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