Reintroduction of the Goitered Gazelle in the Caucasus

Posted on December, 20 2013

On 16-17 December 2013, the Regional workshop on “Reintroduction of the Goitered Gazelle in the Caucasus” was conducted in Baku, Azerbaijan.  
 On 16-17 December 2013, the Regional workshop on “Reintroduction of the Goitered Gazelle in the Caucasus” was conducted in Baku, Azerbaijan. This activity is a part of the project “Increasing Biodiversity in a Priority Transboundary Protected Area in the Iori-Mingechaur Region” which covers territories of Azerbaijan and Georgia. Main objective of the workshop was to review the regional strategy for the restoration of historical range of Goitered gazelle in the Caucasus, discuss existing practice and define activities on reintroduction and conservation of gazelles for the next years. The representatives of WWF, other NGOs and relevant ministries from both came together to discuss and identify the future perspectives on restoration of Goitered Gazelle in the target area.
During workshop the regional conservation strategy on gazelles and the information about ongoing activities and perspectives of gazelle restoration were presented to participants. At the end of the workshop the Regional Action Plan on Restoration of Goitered Gazelle in the Caucasus for 2014 was drafted by the participants. The participants visited Shirvan National Park - a home to at least 6000 gazelles. The participants appreciated this workshop as a good platform to discuss the future activities for future collaboration.