WWF welcomes the passing of the Indigenous Peoples Consultation Law in Peru

Posted on August, 24 2011

WWF Peru welcomes the decision of the Peruvian Congress to unanimously pass the Prior Consultation Law and congratulates indigenous peoples on this important step towards the recognition of their rights.
WWF Peru welcomes the decision of the Peruvian Congress to unanimously pass the Prior Consultation Law and congratulates indigenous peoples on this important step towards the recognition of their rights.

This important Law gives native and indigenous peoples the right for their opinions to be taken into account, and blazes a trail for social inclusion through the creation of greater and better spaces for dialogue and consensus between the Government and indigenous peoples. It is important to emphasize that this law, which was accepted and promoted by representative indigenous organizations, has been passed after a long discussion process between the different parties, and that during its conception, not only the Bill elaborated in 2010 by the Office of Public Defense (Defensoría del Pueblo), but also some contributions from the Dialogue Table post Bagua conflict, have been considered.

After this significant step we rely on the Government’s willingness for a prompt reply and the approval of a regulation to make its implementation effective. Furthermore, we believe it is important to emphasize the need to formalize a space for dialogue between the Government and indigenous peoples in order to address a pending agenda of inclusion and development.

Finally, we hope this is the beginning of a path where, from its conception, future public policies, such as the Environmental Services Bill, incorporate respect for the values and rights of indigenous peoples with a view to sustainable development in benefit of all Peruvians.
Building a conservation vision for the Amazon requires the committed participation of indigenous and local communities and the recognition of their ethnic and cultural diversity.