SOUTH AFRICA - Commitment to conserve 20% of South Africa's coastline

Posted on July, 01 2004

The recent declaration of 4 major Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) by the government of South Africa has demonstrated its strong commitment to the conservation and wise use of marine resources, increasing the proportion of South Africa's coastline that falls within MPAs from 11% to 18%.

This declaration, and the overall commitment to conserve 20% of South Africa's coastline, represents major progress towards meeting the goals of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), the World Parks Congress and the Convention on Biological Diversity - recent international agreements on sustainable development and biodiversity conservation.

The new MPAs, which are spread across the eastern and south western coastlines, also greatly increase the number and proportion of marine habitats that now enjoy formal protection. A 5th large MPA on the west coast was proposed by government is awaiting further consultation to achieve agreement with the widest possible support.

The declaration of these new MPAs represents a significant achievement, which is part of a greater commitment by the South African government towards protecting its marine resources and biodiversity. The Minister of Environmental Affairs has announced that future efforts will also be directed at conserving substantial components of the continental shelf, extending into the Exclusive Economic Zone.

This commitment by the South African government is recognized by WWF, the global conservation organization, as a Gift to the Earth, WWF's premier recognition of globally significant conservation achievements as an example of environmental leadership and an inspiration to others.
Rocky shore coastline Cape of Good Hope, Republic of South Africa
Rocky shore coastline Cape of Good Hope, Republic of South Africa