Marilene Cruz, Brazil

Posted on April, 05 2009

When I was a child my nostalgic vozinha, wailful said the man was changing the climate of the earth, that the climate was "getting crazy", as in Brazil, for example, we had seasons so established, that the storms were more severe...
When I was a child my nostalgic vozinha, wailful said the man was changing the climate of the earth, that the climate was "getting crazy", as in Brazil, for example, we had seasons so established, that the storms were more severe. ..
Today is sad to see that their comments are even more visible in global proportions.
However, learned from her that we can change things for the worse, but can change for the better. So we participate in this and other movements and mainly adopt personal attitudes daily in the economy and natural resources. All hours must be Minute of the Planet! Come participate!