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Place for sustainable actions to save Menabe Antimena

Posted on November, 07 2019

"This is not about holding meetings and workshops everywhere, next time we will meet to monitor our actions and celebrate our successes."

This statement of Nalimanitra Ravoson, the president of the board of directors of FIVE Menabe, follows three days of regional actions on the theme: "Children and the forest are wealth that generate development", organized by the civil society of Menabe, gathered in the FIVE Menabe platform, last week.
The Regional Department for Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Ministry of Land and the Task Force to Save Menabe Antimena, of which WWF is a member, participated. Solution proposals to save the protected area of ​​Menabe Antimena were focused on three axes: agriculture, ecotourism and migration.
It had been decided that in agriculture, the Development and Management Plan of the Protected Area must be respected. Farmers must be trained on agricultural techniques adapted to climate change and supported by small equipment and hydro-agricultural infrastructure. In addition, the training of fishers on the production and processing of fisheries products and the respect of the fish closure calendar are essential.
As for migration, each "Fokontany" must participate in the census and monitoring of the list of inhabitants regularly. This policy must be projected at national level. In fact, uncontrolled migration favors the violation of environmental laws at the local level because migrants often move and clear the forest to do farming.
In ecotourism, it is necessary to reorganize the system at local level: guiding, implementation of a single window and applyingcode for tourism. This would ensure equitable sharing of benefits to local communities.
FIVE Menabe will ensure advocacy at the level of the State and financial partners and WWF will provide technical and financial support for the actions to be undertaken. All we have to do is make these beautiful decisions come true!