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Let us maintain global warming at 1.5ºC to save Madagascar

Posted on October, 12 2018

WWF insists that governments reinforce their ambitions and commitments to maintain global warming at 1.5°C by 2020.
Last week, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) met in South Korea. Based on 6,000 studies, they have submitted a report that compares the impacts of global climate change for a warming limit of 1.5 ° C compared to a warming of 2 ° C with the recommendations to be taken into account.

135 government delegations from around the world have attended the summit. These leaders endorsed the report, which highlights the strong impacts of climate change for global warming that exceeds 1.5 °C. "We are pleased to see that governments have been really thinking about science," said Stephen Cornelius, the WWF Senior Climate Advisor, at the end of the meeting. "The present commitments of countries to reduce emissions will not be enough to limit warming to 1.5 ° C, you can not negotiate with science, " he added. WWF insists that governments reinforce their ambitions and commitments to maintain global warming at 1.5°C by 2020.

 According to the scientific report released by WWF in March 2018, "Wild life in a warming world", if we limit the increase  the temperature rise of the Earth to 2 ° C, the climate situation will be untenable for 25% of species in Madagascar, which will cause their extinction in the 2080s.

"What is certain is that if the temperature goes above 1.5 °C, the impacts will be extremely difficult to manage for Madagascar," confirms Harisoa Rakotondrazafy, WWF's climate change adaptation coordinator for Africa. The Malagasy government and all stakeholders will have to be active to implement effectively the country's intended national contributions, she added.

   As a reminder, among the contributions for which Madagascar has committed, there are the preservation of our forests, the implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures to climate change. Let's mention the 14% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions  and the increase of our absorption capacity to 32% by 2030. The development of initiatives for the agricultural resilience of the country is put forward, especially to significantly reduce the proportion of people in the South suffering from drought.
Risk of climate change
© WWF Madagascar