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The Principles of Allocation Systems and Criteria for Indian Ocean Tuna Fisheries

Posted on November, 11 2015

This plain English guide provides a practical tool to assist individuals, organisations, states, and territories with an interest in the TCAC process to effectively QAS discussions in the Indian Ocean.
The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) is currently developing a Quota Allocation System (QAS) for the main targeted species under the IOTC competence,to in part meet the Commission objective of ensuring the conservation and optimum utilization of stocks covered by the IOTC Agreement and encouraging sustainable development of fisheries based on such stocks.The IOTC has created and tasked its Technical Committee on Allocation Criteria (TCAC) to develop and recommend a QAS to the IOTC plenary.

This plain English guide provides a practical tool to assist individuals, organisations, states and territories with an interest in the TCAC process to effectively QAS discussions in the Indian Ocean. The guide recognises that sustainable management of resources requires continuing and increasing benefits for member states.