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The Lowdown

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain

Who am I? No one of great importance.

Just like you I am inquisitive about the world around me. I take an interest in the beauty and diversity of our planet; in having unique experiences and recounting unbelievable stories; in traveling the globe and encountering a world of sensory experiences and in upholding the rights of all living beings. Who am I? No one special. Just lucky.

What did I learn? (What didn’t I?)

What does one learn when they are transposed into life in a foreign land? Everything and nothing at all. As I have, you will learn answers to questions you had never thought of. You will reflect on the concepts of time and space. You will realize how big this world is, and how small. You will realize the value of life and feel its insignificance in this universe. You will see things on a deeper level, through eyes from which you have never looked before. Your walls will crumble and you will emerge as a new being: one of strength, knowledge, compassion and connection with the world around you. You will learn the worth of being a humble being on this planet as you morph into an idol respected by others who hold the privilege of hearing your stories. You will realize you are blessed to hold the key to such knowledge and experience. You may be left with more questions than answers. This can be a beautiful thing.

What should you expect?

There are few options concerning how to react to living and working with the WWF in a developing country. You either adapt- as human beings are so apt to do in changing circumstances- or you parish. If you are strong, you will soar. If you are weak, you will struggle. As with Darwin’s theory of life in the natural world, you must be fit to survive. You must not necessarily be a warrior of strength, but to cope in some conditions your mind should be extremely well balanced, curious and open. You should always reflect before you react. You must remember that perspectives on cultural differences are relative to what knowledge and nurture you have received in your life, and empathize with the viewpoints of the local people who perceive and act on the same principles. Make it your mission to learn everything there is to know about these people. You should focus on the beauty and diversity of life. Always regard your cup as full. You will be back home soon, and you will miss it dearly.

Why Conservation?

Conservation must be the top goal of any society or civilization. A word with diverse meanings, to conserve means to protect what is most dear; to live sustainably and to perpetuate the existence of life on Earth. Whether conserving your bloodline, the human race or the entire planet, without conservation all the wonders of the world around you would disappear.

Conservation will never die. It will never become out-dated, un-cool or forgotten. It will live forever in the trails its supporters have blazed. It will gain momentum from the swarms of people who uphold its fundamentals. It will save us all, and this we might need in the future.

So, why conservation? Why in bloody hell not?

Conservation makes total sense. Pursuing it as a job, internship or volunteer gig will get you far in this word, and will get this world far because of you. It is a goal and a value that you should have passion for, but if you don’t yet, step foot in a world that depends on conservation today. You can’t help but notice its importance, and you will develop passion.

Conservation is the MD of the world. It is the idea that we can preserve and/or heal our planet and ourselves. It is the guiding light of our future.

Why work in conservation? What have you got to lose if you don’t?

Why travel to a developing nation? 

When you leave your door; your friends, your home, your life, you will appreciate the world around you to a degree no one else may understand. You will see the colours of diversity in a world that can sometimes feel dark and monotonous. You will taste the spices of a new cultural platter on a planet that’s far from bland. Sometimes you will witness hope in the path of oppression, or defeat in an alley of grief. You will see some things you had always hoped to see, and some you wish you hadn’t. But don’t be discouraged, because you will have no regrets. Even if none of the above ever hits you hard in your gut, you will nevertheless be intrigued, inspired and involved.

No matter what hardships you may face or how much you may, at times, miss the privilege of modern conveniences or the comfort of old habits, you must always remember that this is not your life. It is your reality while you live it, but any struggle you face will be reflected on later, from the coziness of your real life. Take a look at the people who do live this life and who will never have the opportunity to experience a different reality. Reinforce in your mind how lucky you are to be here.

Why work with the WWF? 

The WWF is a world-renowned conservation organization. The benefits to working with them are vast and limitless. Whether you have been a panda supporter since birth or you are just now looking at the world through panda glasses, there are many opportunities to be had working with the WWF and both you and your host community are guaranteed to benefit. It’s a win-win situation. If you are looking for a future in conservation, activism or non-profit work, the WWF is a top-notch team to associate yourself with. If you just want to give a little something back to this marvelous planet that has given life to you and all the things you hold dear, well, that’s a good reason too. 

No downside. No regrets. No reason to say no.


this is me 
© Anastasia Kirk
this is me
© Anastasia Kirk

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