As international climate negotiations begin, American non-federal leaders are still in

Posted on October, 30 2017

Assuring world leaders that the U.S. is still an ally in the fight against climate change, American non-federal leaders formally announced their plans for a U.S. Climate Action Center and U.S. delegations of climate leaders at the next round of UN climate talks (COP23) to be held in Bonn, Germany from November 6 to 17.
Assuring world leaders that the U.S. is still an ally in the fight against climate change, American non-federal leaders formally announced their plans for a U.S. Climate Action Center and U.S. delegations of climate leaders at the next round of UN climate talks (COP23) to be held in Bonn, Germany from November 6 to 17. 
The initiative, spearheaded through the We Are Still In movement in coordination with more than 40 organizations, plans to showcase ambitious U.S. climate action in the pavilion. U.S. climate leaders will demonstrate America’s resolve to remain a global frontrunner in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, despite recent moves by the federal government to begin the process of withdrawing from the Paris Agreement.
The pavilion is the first of its kind and is being sponsored exclusively by non-federal U.S. actors. The pavilion will host a full roster of events starting November 9th and provide space for exhibitions from a wide range of U.S. organizations throughout its duration.
A complete schedule of events can be found here:

Highlights include:
  • America’s Pledge report launch, featuring Mike Bloomberg and Governor Jerry Brown (Nov. 11)
  • A Panel on Climate Impacts and Resiliency featuring US mayors and Senators (Nov. 11)
  • A Governors’ Panel: organized by the Climate Action Registry, Climate Action Reserve, and Georgetown (Nov. 14)
  • A Business Showcase (Nov. 15)
Lou Leonard, WWF-US senior vice president of climate and energy said: 
 “American companies, cities, states, colleges and universities are banding together to help meet US targets under the Paris Agreement. And it’s not just Fortune 500 companies leading the way. From hundreds of small businesses on Main Street, to cities from Louisville to Pittsburgh, and schools from Arizona State to Ohio State, these American leaders are using their economic and political influence to shift the United States to clean energy and send a clear message to the world: the United States is committed to climate action and delivering on the Paris Agreement.” 
Full statement, quotes and list of signatories

WWF at COP23:
For further information, contact:
Melanie Gade
Wind turbines funnel wind from the Columbia River Gorge, Washington-Oregon border, United States.
© National Geographic Stock/ Mark Thiessen / WWF

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