The wish of cub will come true when there are no traps in the mountains

Posted on July, 07 2015

Specialists from WWF-Mongolia are conducting researches on the snow leopards using automatic cameras in several places. During the research expeditions, a big threat has been identified – traps and snares. The footage from the automatic cameras demonstrated several snow leopards injured due to traps. These traps are not necessarily placed for the snow leopards, but also for marmots and wolfs.
Specialists from WWF-Mongolia are conducting researches on the snow leopards using automatic cameras in several places. During the research expeditions, a big threat has been identified – traps and snares. The footage from the automatic cameras demonstrated several snow leopards injured due to traps. These traps are not necessarily placed for the snow leopards, but also for marmots and wolfs.
To raise awareness about this threat, a campaign on “Let a cub’s wish come true” has started backed with support from local people and children. Several meetings were held with children from Chandmani and Mankhan soums whose livestock grazes around Jargalant Khairkhan mountain. Children were introduced with WWF’s activities to study and protect the snow leopard, get familiar with automatic cameras, GPS, binoculars, antenna and collars used in surveys. A short video was produced targeting specifically at children aimed at raising awareness on the issue and appealing for a call for action. After watching the video, children shared their impression “it is so sad for a cub whose mother was in a trap. It was so emotional to hear a small cub begging humans to stop putting traps. If people stop putting traps, the snow leopard will not get injured. Therefore, after we go home we will ask our parents, brothers and sisters stop putting traps”. They keep their words and are actively participating in our campaign to have trapless mountain.
During the bagh (smallest administrative unit) meetings, and other public events, children called their parents, brothers, sisters and others to participate in the campaign on “Let a cub’s wish come true” and it started to bring some results. Traps are exchanged for pots, cans, bowls and other household utensils, which is highly appreciated by herders. Currently, about 40 families voluntarily handed over 136 traps. According to children, at least 500 traps are kept in households living around Jargalant Khairkhan mountain. Children believe that the campaign will collect all the traps and soon the mountain will be safe home to wildlife.
“Let a cub’s wish come true” has started backed with support from local people and children.
© WWF Mongolia