Putting People and Planet First

Posted on May, 03 2013

WWF is working with Concord and the Beyond 2015 campaign in Europe to promote an ambitious vision of sustainable development for the future post-2015 development framework (to succeed the current Millennium Development Goals). 
WWF is working with Concord and the Beyond 2015 campaign in Europe to promote an ambitious vision of sustainable development for the future post-2015 development framework (to succeed the current Millennium Development Goals). Our vision is for a just, equitable and sustainable world in which every person can realise their human rights, fulfil their potential and live free from poverty. 
The post-2015 development framework should be a single, integrated and comprehensive framework with sustainable development at its heart in order to address the global challenges facing the world today. Climate change, biodiversity loss, increased pressure on natural resources and our current unsustainable models of consumption and production are just some of the issues that need to be tackled if the planet is to support us now and in the future. Fulfilling the rights to food, water and health, for example, as well as securing the energy needs for a growing population in a sustainable manner demand a radically different approach to growth and development in the post-2015 period.  
Putting people and planet first. CONCORD - Beyond 2015 European Task Force Recommendations for the Post-2015 Framework