VIEWPOINT: Looking ahead to a busy year

Posted on January, 11 2013

"At the end of the year one often looks back. This time, I want to look ahead," says Lida, before giving us a an early taste of what we can expect from the WWF Coral Triangle programme in 2013.
At the end of the year one often looks back. This time, I want to look ahead. In January, the Coral Triangle development partners will come together to discuss what each can contribute, and be responsible for, with regard to the implementation of the very ambitious regional plan of action. To me this, is quite remarkable.

Through four years of sometimes challenging work, NGOs, governments, and development banks are still very keen to work together and share whatever they can for this most significant regional collaboration on oceans. It is because we know we need each other and any support available for this special region under threat.

In March, the 3rd Coral Triangle Initiative Regional Business Forum will take place. Since its launch in Manila, and the second one held in Kuala Lumpur, it is clear that the private sector has a significant role to play if the CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action is to succeed. The intentions of all governments in the preparations of these business forums have been exemplary and it is now time for the industrial sectors to start paying attention to the longevity of their investments and to join the partners in collaborating toward a blue sustainable economy.

On June 9, the second Coral Triangle Day will be held. This event was officially formalized at the last CTI Ministerial Meeting, again showing the openness of the CTI governments to popular ways of engaging broader audiences. It is time for people in the Coral Triangle to join in celebrating this special area in any way they feel like. Last year, 11,000 people participated in the region, with a tremendous positive example set by the people of Kendongonan in Bali, Indonesia.

To all the supporters of our WWF Coral Triangle Programme: don't sit back yet thinking that a lot has been done already--the WWF Coral Triangle team has a lot more planned for this year. It is going to be a great one!

Best wishes and please contact us to collaborate.
Lida Pet-Soede
© Lida Pet-Soede