U.S. Government Rolls Out Implementation for World's First Ban on Trade in Illegally Logged Wood

Posted on October, 14 2008

From Market Watch: U.S. government agencies today held the first public meeting to present the government's commitment to implement and enforce a new law amending the U.S. Lacey Act to prohibit trade in products that contain illegally logged wood. Representatives from the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Interior, and the Department of Justice outlined plans for a large audience, focusing on a phased-in approach for the requirement to declare the origin and species of the plant material contained in a wide variety of products. 
From Market Watch: U.S. government agencies today held the first public meeting to present the government's commitment to implement and enforce a new law amending the U.S. Lacey Act to prohibit trade in products that contain illegally logged wood. Representatives from the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Interior, and the Department of Justice outlined plans for a large audience, focusing on a phased-in approach for the requirement to declare the origin and species of the plant material contained in a wide variety of products. Read the article...