Double Standard at the Root of Forestry Power Shift

Posted on August, 21 2008

From the Montreal - The paperless office is coming. Just not this year. More printers are still being sold annually than ever before. It's true their sales growth no longer surpasses that of personal computers, as it did only a few years ago. But Lexmark and HP need not fret: We'll be inkjet-stained wretches for a while yet. My own printer eats paper the way Michael Phelps downs pasta. Left to its own devices, it might have already consumed most of Canada's boreal forest.
From the Montreal - The paperless office is coming. Just not this year. More printers are still being sold annually than ever before. It's true their sales growth no longer surpasses that of personal computers, as it did only a few years ago. But Lexmark and HP need not fret: We'll be inkjet-stained wretches for a while yet. My own printer eats paper the way Michael Phelps downs pasta. Left to its own devices, it might have already consumed most of Canada's boreal forest. Read the article...