The World Bank Extractive Industries Review: The Role of Structural Reform Programs towards Sustainable Development Outcomes

Posted on December, 05 2003

The Development Policy Program of MPO is currently conducting an analysis for the World Bank’s Extractive Industries Review to determine the linkages between World Bank and IMF-supported structural adjustment programs and subsequent trends in the oil, gas and mining sectors. The aim of the study is to identify the implications of these trends on sustainable development, which includes economic, social and environmental elements, in three countries: Peru, Tanzania, and Indonesia.
As part of the careful planning of a country’s development of its extractive industries, it is essential to consider the institutional and policy frameworks in which investments and projects in these sectors take place. In many developing and transitional countries, structural adjustment programs, supported by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), often strongly influence these institutional and policy frameworks. With this premise in mind, the Development Policy Program of MPO is currently conducting an analysis for the World Bank’s Extractive Industries Review to determine the linkages between World Bank and IMF-supported structural adjustment programs and subsequent trends in the oil, gas and mining sectors. The aim of the study is to identify the implications of these trends on sustainable development, which includes economic, social and environmental elements, in three countries: Peru, Tanzania, and Indonesia.