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Our work in Zambia

Shoebill in the Bangweulu wetlands, Zambia
WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.
To achieve this mission, WWF Zambia focuses on two broad areas:
  • Biodiversity
  • Footprint
The first is to ensure that biodiversity in Zambia which is part of the earth’s web of life stays healthy and is sustained for current and future generations.

WWF Zambia is strategically focusing on conserving critical places and critical species that are particularly important for the conservation of Zambia’s rich biodiversity.

Secondly, WWF Zambia focuses its efforts to reduce negative impacts of human activity - our ecological footprint. We are working to ensure that the natural resources required for life - Land, water, forests, wildlife and air are managed sustainably and equitably.

How do we do this?
Through innovative partnerships that combine on-the –ground conservation, high-level policy and advocacy, and work to make business and industry more sustainable.

We are strategically focusing on conserving critical places and critical species that are particularly important for their habitat or for people in Zambia.

We are also working to reduce humanity’s ecological footprint- the amount of land and natural resources needed to supply our food, water, fibre and timber, and absorb our CO2 emissions.

It is not about keeping people out of nature;
Or turning the clock back;

Or preventing the country or communities from developing;

It is about finding practical solutions for a healthy planet.

A planet where people and nature can thrive together, in a stable environment, now, and for generations to come.

Why we do this?
The decisions, actions and inactions of one species – ours – over the next decade will determine the fate of all life on Earth.

Across Zambia, biodiversity and natural habitats are disappearing faster than ever before.

Why? Because as a whole, people are using wood, water, wild animals and other natural resources more quickly than they can be replenished, polluting and altering natural habitats, and changing the entire country and planet's climate.

This is damaging the ecosystems that supply us – and all other life – with freshwater, food, clean air, shelter, and more.

Millions of people, in rich and poor countries alike, are already feeling the consequences – uncertainties over food and water security, increased vulnerability to natural disasters and diseases.

Things will get much worse if we keep going the same way.

WWF Zambia's focal areas

WWF-Zambia focuses its work on six thematic areas including policy and livelihoods. The thematic areas include - Forestry, Species and Protected Areas, Freshwater (rivers, lakes, fishery, wetlands); Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM), Extractive Industries and green economy, and Environmental Education.

WWF Zamiba Wetlands Project Staff monitoring Lechwe population on the Kafue Flats, Zambia

© WWF / Richard C.V. JEFFERY


Way Forward

2050 WWF Global Biodiversity Goal
By 2050, the integrity of the most outstanding natural places on Earth is conserved, contributing to a more secure and sustainable future for all.

2050 WWF Global Footprint Goal
By 2050 humanity’s global footprint stays within the Earth’s carrying capacity to sustain life and the natural resources of our planet are shared equitably.