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How does WWF work to protect biodiversity in Zambia?
WWF takes an innovative, collaborative, science-based approach to achieve its twin goals of saving biodiversity and reducing humanity's impact on nature.

Programmes, Initiatives & Partnerships
Building on nearly 50 years of experience and an impressive track record we are driving large-scale, long-lasting changes from the local level to the global. This comes through a combination of:
  • On-the-ground conservation
  • High-level policy and advocacy
  • Making business & industry more sustainable
  • Engaging with multiple partners
The work is powered by conservation scientists, policy experts, lawyers, communications experts, and other specialists in our programmes and global initiatives, supported by national and regional offices and implemented through on-the-ground projects.

Together with our valuable partners, these dedicated people are developing and implementing real solutions across the world – building a future in which people live in harmony with nature.

Building a Living Planet.

...and why do we do this?
because biodiversity and people are connected...

WWF has developed a science-based, strategic plan to achieve its goals. This global conservation framework:
  • Uniquely combines traditional conservation with work to address the global dynamics driving biodiversity loss and humanity’s unsustainable use of natural resources
  • Focuses efforts on the most important places, species, and footprint areas, and integrates this work from the local to the global levels
  • Taps into the enormous power we all have – as consumers, local community members, landowners, politicians, policy makers, business & industry leaders, development & conservation workers, farmers, and fishers – to protect biodiversity and steer the world towards sustainability
WWF’s guiding principles

We will:
  • Be global, independent, multicultural and non-partisan politically.
  • Use the best available scientific information to address issues and critically evaluate all our endeavours.
  • Seek dialogue and avoid unnecessary confrontation.
  • Build concrete conservation solutions through a combination of field-based projects, policy initiatives, capacity building, and education work.
  • Involve local communities in the planning and execution of field programmes, respecting both cultural and economic needs.
  • Strive to build partnerships with other organizations, governments, business, and local communities to enhance our effectiveness.
  • Run our operations in a cost effective manner and apply donors’ funds according to the highest standards of accountability and transparency.