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The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification ensures water, soil, flora and fauna protection in productive forest management, as well as promotes community, indigenous and forest workers' participation as the social component in industry; as a means for people to keep on living, working and gaining from the forests. For further information please visit
Un Árbol Bolivia FSC
The products from FSC certified forests that are covered by a chain of custody certificate can be labelled with the registered trademark FSC logo.
The Un Árbol Bolivia Project has decided to maintain the FSC quality in all of its products of the Cariniana estrellensis tree, and undertake a FSC chain of custody certification process under an agreement signed with Rainforest Alliance - Smartwood.
Each product and / or art piece from the Un Árbol Bolivia Project will have the FSC label. This logo allows the consumer to quickly identify the products fabricated with wood from well managed and independently certified forests, according to FSC standards, and have the opportunity to express your support to forest conservation through your purchase.
For further information on forest certification in Bolivia please visit: