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International Sculptors Workshop

The Bolivian sculptor Juan Bustillos at work

Aiming at bringing the project to its audience and providing it with a more international profile, the Sculptors Workshop of October, 2006, presented eight artists working live at Manzana 1 (downtown Santa Cruz), with around 100,000 curious visitors and lots of media coverage.


Stand at the 4th Bolivian Tropical Forest Trade Fair, Expoforest, in March, 2006, publicly launching the Un Árbol Bolivia Project.

Expoforest 2006: At the 4th Natural Forest and Forest Industry Fair, Expoforest, in March, 2006, WWF publicly launched the One Tree Bolivia Project.

Expoforest 2007: At the 5th version of this fair in March, 2007, the finished art pieces will be shown.

Forest certification walkway

The seven sculptures resulting from the I International Sculptors Workshop will be a part of the forseen forest certification walkway of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, a joint effort of Santa Cruz de la Sierra Municipality and WWF, aiming at celebrating the self-recognition of Santa Cruz as world capital of FSC certified natural tropical forests in April 2006.

One Tree Bolivia.
© One Tree Bolivia. © WWF-Bolivia