Archive Content

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Earth Hour Bolivia wouldn't be possible without...
These 76 institutions and companies are adhered to the campaign through pro bono support and collaboration in dissemination of information towards diminishing our footprint on climate change:
Earth Hour © WWF

  • Municipal Government of Santa Cruz de la Sierra
  • Municipal Government of La Paz
  • Municipal Government of Cochabamba
  • Municipal Government of Trinidad
  • Municipal Government of Puerto Quijarro
  • Departmental Government of Santa Cruz 
  • Departmental Government of Beni
  • Superintendence of Electricity
  • Rural Electrification Cooperative (CRE)
  • Coserelec Ltd.
  • Electropaz
  • Elfec
  • Elfeosa
  • Main newspaper El Deber
  • Coca Cola
  • Banco de Credito
  • Adeco (Condominium Managers)
  • Alexander Coffee
  • Bolivian Environmental Law Society (SBDA)
  • Bonaparte
  • Caisy
  • Calles Amarillas
  • Capri Pizza
  • Carlos Valverde Productions
  • Cine Center
  • Departmental Government German Busch Province
  • Domo Jocus Bolivia
  • Duralit
  • El Nuevo Dia newspaper
  • El Pais Editorial
  • Emsic
  • Energy Press
  • Energy Report
  • Entel
  • Feminine Civic Committee of Beni
  • FexpoCruz - ExpoForest
  • Fridolin
  • Fridosa
  • Friends of the Museum Foundation (Fuamu)
  • Fru Gelatto
  • Fun TV
  • Fundesi Pantanal
  • Ganadero Bank
  • Homem Pantaneiro Institute
  • House of Culture of Beni
  • Jalapeños
  • Kamiya Clinic
  • La Calle
  • La Pascana Center
  • La Taberna Terramar
  • Los Hierros
  • Lider Group
  • Mahs
  • Marea
  • Milenio Building
  • Mundo Seguro magazine
  • Navy Fifth District
  • Nudelpa bottling plant (Coca Cola)
  • Nuevatel - Viva
  • Nuevo Milenio 104.3 Radio
  • Nur University
  • Oxigeno Band
  • Puerto Quijarro Civic Committee
  • Puerto Quijarro Educational Authority
  • Puerto Quijarro Press Workers Union
  • Redesma
  • Saga
  • Saint Honoré
  • Sernap Otuquis (protected area)
  • Sir Francis
  • Tigo
  • Vamos magazine
  • Y se llama Peru
  • Zorba Cafe Lounge
Also, we've received dissemination support from the following entities: Avina, AmigaRSE, Bolivian Forestry Chamber, Redesma, Reboctas, Bolivian Environmental Law Society (SBDA), Bolivian Pantanal Network, Caracol Architecture, Bolivian Forestry Research Institute (Ibif), and many, many more. To all of them a big thank you! This is a campaign whose success depends upon a massive dissemination, and having very little resources to implement it, the best recipe is the valuable support from our friends at institutions and companies.

Whoever would like to support us disseminating this campaign via mail, web, etc., don't hesitate contacting us! And also those who would like to support with materials production, ideas or others... Very much welcome!

Gobierno Municipal Autónomo de Santa Cruz de la Sierra 
Gobierno Municipal Autónomo de Santa Cruz de la Sierra
El Deber 
© El Deber
El Deber
© El Deber
Gobierno Municipal de Trinidad 
© Gobierno Municipal de Trinidad
Gobierno Municipal de Trinidad
© Gobierno Municipal de Trinidad
© Coserelec
© Coserelec
Gobierno Municipal de Puerto Quijarro 
© Gobierno Municipal de Puerto Quijarro
Gobierno Municipal de Puerto Quijarro
© Gobierno Municipal de Puerto Quijarro
© Mahs
© Mahs
© Tigo
© Tigo
El Nuevo Día 
© El Nuevo Día
El Nuevo Día
© El Nuevo Día
Editorial El País 
© Editorial El País
Editorial El País
© Editorial El País
Fun TV 
© Fun TV
Fun TV
© Fun TV
Coca Cola 
© Coca Cola
Coca Cola
© Coca Cola
© Fridosa
© Fridosa
Logo Banco de Crédito 
Logo Banco de Crédito
Gobierto Departamental Autónomo Santa Cruz 
© Gobierto Departamental Autónomo Santa Cruz
Gobierto Departamental Autónomo Santa Cruz
© Gobierto Departamental Autónomo Santa Cruz
Revista Mundo Seguro 
© Mundo Seguro
Revista Mundo Seguro
© Mundo Seguro
Gobierno Municipal de La Paz 
© Gobierno Municipal de La Paz
Gobierno Municipal de La Paz
© Gobierno Municipal de La Paz
Superintendencia de Electricidad 
© Superintendencia de Electricidad
Superintendencia de Electricidad
© Superintendencia de Electricidad
Logo Dirección Distrital de Educación de Puerto Quijarro 
© Dirección Distrital de Educación de Puerto Quijarro
Logo Dirección Distrital de Educación de Puerto Quijarro
© Dirección Distrital de Educación de Puerto Quijarro
Logo Quinto Distrito Naval. 
© Distrito Naval
Logo Quinto Distrito Naval.
© Distrito Naval
Logo Instituto Homem Pantaneiro 
© Instituto Homem Pantaneiro
Logo Instituto Homem Pantaneiro
© Instituto Homem Pantaneiro
Logo Fundesi Pantanal 
© Fundesi Pantanal
Logo Fundesi Pantanal
© Fundesi Pantanal
Gobierno Departamental 
© Gobierno Departamental
Gobierno Departamental
© Gobierno Departamental
Domo Jocus Bolivia 
© Domo Jocus Bolivia
Domo Jocus Bolivia
© Domo Jocus Bolivia
Expoforest, specialized forest exhibit and trade fair 
© Expoforest
Expoforest, specialized forest exhibit and trade fair
© Expoforest