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Project Description: 
The regional project is aimed at establishing the necessary conditions for the forest administrations to develop and implement strategies for transforming monoculture forest stands into highly resilient “close to nature” forest stands. This will be done through awareness raising about climate change impacts on forests, demonstrating practical measures to make forests more resilient, and providing forest administration staff and local community members, local NGOs, and CBOs who use or manage forests with the necessary knowledge and skills to transfer the development and implementation of transformation measures to other forest stands. In the result of the project implementation 150 ha of monoculture forest stands will be transformed to forest stands highly resilient to climate change, the potential of forest stands to enhance the livelihoods of neighbouring communities will be increased, forest administration staff will be more aware on climate change and motivated to develop strategies for making forests more resilient.

To increase the resilience of forest ecosystems in the Southern Caucasus against climate change impacts and to improve biodiversity and livelihoods of local populations

Project Expected Deliverables:

  1. Selected forest stands vulnerable to climate change have been transformed into highly resilient "close to nature" forest stands;
  2. Silvicultural guidelines for the transformation of monoculture stands into more resilient stands are elaborated, published and made available for relevant officials and experts;
  3. The capacities of forest administration experts to develop silvicultural strategies to transform monoculture stands into stable, site-adapted forests are increased;
  4. The awareness of local communities about the importance of forest rehabilitation with regard to mitigating negative biotic and abiotic impacts of climate change is improved.


Funding Organization (s)/Donor(s): European Union

Geographical Scope: Yevlakh, Agsu

Project Duration: 2011-2015