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‘Down under’ conservation
While there is increasing recognition of the threats facing Australia’s environment, the problems are also growing. 25 years after it started working here, WWF-Australia is on the reefs and in the forests creating better tomorrows.

Wind and solar power generation provides a clean alternative for future generations. Sydney, ... rel= © WWF / Adam Oswell

In Australia, WWF works to conserve the nation's biodiversity, providing practical solutions to the continent’s greatest environmental threats. Our teams work on the ground with local communities, and in partnership with government and industry, advocating change and effective conservation policy.

We take a science-based approach to our conservation work and are committed to real, measurable outcomes for the environment which directly benefit Australian species and natural resources like water, land and the marine environment.

WWF's work in Australia focuses on eight key areas: climate change, weeds and feral animals, land and forests, marine protection, species, water management, sustainable industry and business partnerships.

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WWF-Australia website

What are the problems? 
What are the problems?
Project Highlights

Species: Rock Wallaby

You’ve got to be lucky to see the shy black-flanked rock-wallaby, a small and extremely agile marsupial that darts among rocky outcrops and caves in central and southwest Australia. It emerges only at dusk to feed on grass, leaves, bark and fruits. But it’s a spectacle to behold on warm wintry days, when this gorgeous animal is sometimes glimpsed soaking up the sun's rays. 


Oceans: Great Barrier Reef

Australia's Great Barrier Reef is one of the world's seven natural wonders, it is a prized World Heritage Area, the largest reef system and the biggest living structure on the planet. It sprawls over a jaw-dropping 344,400 square kilometres – an area so large that it can be seen from space.


Food: Sugar / Project Catalyst

Not all threats to our glorious Great Barrier Reef are immediately apparent. Outdated land management, and especially run-off from sugar cane farms in Reef catchments, is one that's having a profound impact through a dangerous string of events. Nitrogen from farm fertiliser enters waterways and eventually the sea, leading to algal blooms. This is fast food for juvenile crown of thorns starfish, and their populations grow rapidly. Sadly, so does their appetite for coral. To date, they have devoured over 40% of the Reef's coral cover.


Climate: Earth Hour

In 2017, WWF is celebrating 10 years of Earth Hour and 10 years of progress on changing climate change. What started as an Aussie grassroots movement has grown into the world’s biggest movement for climate change.