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Leading figures and the Network
Apart from the jaguars, the main players are Mario Di Bitetti, his team of two, and their network of two hundred.

Mario is the programme officer for the Atlantic Forest Ecoregion. For the past two and a half years, he has been leading on the jaguar project, whilst actively taking part in the other activities related to the Upper Parana Atlantic Forest.

Augustin Paviolo deals exclusively with camera traps. Much of his time is spent collecting the films, ensuring the devices are in working order and placed in the best possible spots to take pictures of the jaguars.

Carlos De Angelo is responsible for footprints and fecal material. He ensures that all data collected in the field is done so correctly and pooled for analysis. With the other members of the team, they have trained over 200 people in the collection of data on the cats; in 2003 alone they carried out over 50 workshops, both in the field and at the office.

A capable workforce
The network consists of over 200 volunteers, mainly park rangers, field researches, farmers, ranchers, employees of forestry companies, NGO members, and field personnel from government agencies. Members of the network receive training in the collection of data and are provided with a kit with which to record any sign of the jaguar. They make plaster casts of the tracks they find and also bring back any fecal material they come across during their time in the forest. The volunteers regularly meet with Carlos to transmit any information gathered.

Partners and donors
Other more indirect but just as important players are the donors and partners that make this project possible. These are the WWF members that provide the financial basis for these activities to take place, and the WWF partners who have contributed in many ways to saving the Upper Parana Atlantic Forest, including the national park authorities in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, Greenpeace, Projungas, amongst many others.