© Canon / Brutus Östling / WWF-Sweden

WWF at World Economic Forum 2023

Davos 2023

The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting is the only yearly gathering that brings together leaders of global society. The heads and members of more than 100 governments, top executives of the 1,000 foremost global companies, leaders of international organizations and relevant non-governmental organizations, the most prominent cultural, societal and thought leaders, and the disruptive voices of the Forum’s Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers and Technology Pioneers come together each year to define priorities and shape global, industry and regional agendas.


© Luis Barreto / WWF-UK

WWF at Davos 2023

Our planet is in the red. The way we currently produce and consume is causing a catastrophic loss of nature and pushing the natural systems humans and businesses depend on to the brink. Protecting and restoring nature is fundamental to economic prosperity, sustainable development, and addressing the climate crisis. 

At the end of 2023, over 190 countries adopted a landmark agreement to reverse biodiversity loss by 2030. The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework is the guiding light for all to correct for the sake of people and the planet.. At Davos, WWF is  calling on government and business leaders to show they are committed to playing their part in delivering this agreement to reverse biodiversity loss for a nature-positive world this decade.

An equitable, nature positive, net zero emissions world
Climate March 2019 in New York, New York.
© WWF-US / Keith Arnold

Science tells us that reversing biodiversity loss is vital to limiting climate change to 1.5C and avoiding runaway global warming. It also plays an important role in increasing the resilience of the most vulnerable to the impacts of the climate crisis, while helping reduce the risk of future pandemics. 

But we need to do more, and faster. The nature crises is accelerating, and as we lose nature, we lose one of our most valuable assets to maintain a healthy planet and healthy people.

Net zero is not enough. We also need to be nature positive.

Reversing biodiversity loss to be nature-positive by 2030 is essential to securing a sustainable and resilient world for all. It requires immediate actions and funds to realise this global goal.

Business has a critical role to play in reversing nature loss

1. Commit to nature

Companies can commit to protecting, restoring and investing in nature, including through Science Based Targets (SBTs) for climate through the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), and by preparing to set SBTs for other natural systems through the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) - companies can register their interest in doing this here.

2. Act for nature

Companies deliver on commitments by protecting nature and natural systems in the landscapes and jurisdictions where they operate, or from which they source commodities like timber or palm oil, by using tools and approaches such as the Accountability Framework, and by investing in nature-based solutions to minimize environmental impacts, stop land conversion and deforestation, and increase supply chain resilience.

Financial institutions can incorporate climate- and nature-related risks in financial decision-making, and scale investment in net-zero and nature-positive activities, including by adopting the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures framework for managing climate risks, and by supporting the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures to manage nature risks. Asset owners can join other major institutional investors in the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance and align portfolios for a 1.5°C future.

See how leading companies are already taking integrated action on climate and nature.

3. Advocate for nature

Business and finance can make the business case for nature and influence decision-makers in key business, finance and policy fora by joining the Business for Nature coalition, and supporting the delivery of the new Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework to reverse nature loss by 2030.


Why business and finance should prioritise a nature-positive Amazon

Accelerating deforestation and environmental degradation threaten to push the Amazon beyond the point of no return. Left unaddressed, the local and global impacts of climate and ecosystem breakdown in the Amazon will be catastrophic. We should prioritise the pursuit of nature-positive, equitable, net-zero business and finance.

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Every Company Needs to Assess Its Nature-Related Risk

More than half of the world’s GDP is dependent on nature. The potential collapse of ecosystem services such as pollination and water-based food is threatening to cause a $2.7 trillion decline in global GDP annually by 2030.

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For security and survival, business must go all-in on nature

Global supply chains rocked by climate change, the pandemic, and war in Ukraine are driving fuel, fertiliser, and food prices to all-time highs, threatening supplies of wheat and sunflower oil, and triggering a global food crisis.

In responding to this perfect storm, governments and businesses must balance meeting immediate needs with creating the conditions for long-term stability, including tackling the climate emergency and nature loss.


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​What We Need for Long-Term Peace and Prosperity

Recent crises have exposed the shortcomings of our international institutions and growth-obsessed economic models, pointing to the need for fundamental reforms. The situation demands a new global commission to reorient our systems toward sustainable, “nature-positive” development.

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