The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
- WWF Global
- Adria
- Argentina
- Armenia
- AsiaPacific
- Australia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Belgium
- Bhutan
- Bolivia
- Borneo
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- Cambodia
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Caucasus
- Central African Republic
- Central America
- Chile
- China
- Colombia
- Croatia
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Denmark
- Ecuador
- European Policy Office
- Finland
Every city on the planet is welcome to join the OPCC where local governments are asked to transparently submit their climate action plans on a standardized international platform. This data is then evaluated through WWF’s peer reviewed assessment framework. Participants receive strategic feedback and guidance on big-win actions for maximum impact, capacity building and community engagement support.
To celebrate their accomplishments, and to inspire other cities to follow suit, frontrunners are recognized and rewarded through various communication activities locally and globally.
OPCC participation offers cities ample opportunities for knowledge exchange which is greatly appreciated even where local context varies.
WWF’s ultimate goal is to support the creation of cities that enable people to thrive in balance with nature now and in the future. Read more.
National Finalists 2024
Congratulations to the following cities on their selection as finalists in their respective countries. These cities will now be reviewed by the OPCC international jury of urban experts to identify the National and Global Winners of the One Planet City Challenge 2024.
Argentina Cameroon Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Finland Germany Guatemala Indonesia Jordan - Amman Malaysia |
Mexico Norway Peru Philippines South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey UK USA Viet Nam |
Cities drive global GDP and generate the majority of the world’s carbon emissions. Cities are also the place where the rubber meets the road when it comes to climate action. When urban citizens want action, it is usually their locally elected officials they turn to first – city officials have both the mandate and the influence to answer the call for climate action
Cities are where multiple, interlinked issues come into play, and where climate change solutions can be tried and tested. Cities can provide the world with much needed hope, ingenuity, and creativity.
- Support in setting science-based targets that reflect Paris Agreement goals.
- Customized feedback report on each city’s alignment with the Paris Agreement and assessment of their climate work including:
- Support in understanding and structuring your overall climate performance
- Guidance on science-based targets
- Collaboration with leading city networks including the Global Covenant of Mayors, ICLEI, C40 and CDP.
- Recognition of achievements on WWF and partners’ communications channels.
- All OPCC finalists are invited to participate in the We Love Cities public engagement campaign.
- Toolbox with guidance on design of a climate action package and educational materials aimed at increasing public participation and involvement.
- Opportunity to tap into available WWF programs on capacity-building, urban nature-based solutions, transport, waste, food and more.
Information for participants
Find all the essential tools and resources to start your city’s journey toward a climate-friendly future.
Explore participant tools and resourcesWe Love Cities
Click below for more information on this widely successful public engagement campaign.
Learn more about We Love CitiesJoin the movement and inspire the world!
Email us at for instructions on how to participate in the OPCC.
Join OPCCVictoria Olausson
Program Coordinator, One Planet City Challenge, WWF Cities
Barbara Evaeus
Global Communications Manager, One Planet City Challenge, WWF Cities