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Together Possible! This is a reality now more than ever. WWF called for action to save the last 30 vaquitas left in the Gulf of California, in Mexico. In Colombia, the expedition, "One River, Four Countries", crossed the borders between Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil, with the leadership of WWF and several partners. WWF-Ecuador executed six recuperation projects in the areas affected by the earthquake along with other local actors. In Peru, the Saweto Dedicated Grant Mechanism presented its first advances, by WWF and indigenous organizations. In Chile, WWF released the first report about IUU fishing for common hake. WWF-Bolivia joined forces with Unilever, Banco Bisa and Banco Fassil to present a campaign with an innovative concept: #AgenteDeCambioVerde (Agent of Green Change). In Paraguay, women in Tavapy initiated the small-scale industrial production of shade grown mate with the support of WWF. In Mesoamerica, a regional conservation project for the reef system was approved, which will be implemented by the Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD) and WWF. EFE-Verde and WWF launched a new section with articles by Amazon experts: "The Amazon, its conservation and challenges". At the global level, WWF called on global tuna industry to be more proactive in stock conservation. Finally, WWF asked for immediate action to be taken to stop the worrisome trend of illegal trade in places of major ecological importance. Enjoy the reading,



Roberto Troya

Vice President & Regional Director, WWF-LAC

© Tom Jefferson


Save the Last 30 Vaquitas

Together, we can protect the Gulf of California World Heritage site, home to the critically endangered vaquita. There may be fewer than 30 vaquitas left in the world and we can save them. Ask the Mexican president to take strong action now.


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© WWF/Colombia


An expedition in search of River dolphins

 12 marine scientists travelled through the Putumayo river for 15 days with one mission: to find the major quantity of these freshwater cetaceans and obtain all the possible information about them and their habitat conditions. The scientists navigated for 1.600 kilometers in this transnational travel that involved Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil. The results: the sighting of 559 river dolphins (395 pink and 164 grey), the establishment of an alert regarding this species the realization of the major threats that surround them, like illegal gold mining. #1Río4Países is the 26th expedition of the Action Plan for Rivers Dolphins in South America. Nevertheless, it is the first one that crosses 4 countries in a single trip. The collected data will allow to establish a regional map of this specie’s populations and reconsider their international conservation status currently catalogued as Data Insufficient. 


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© Cruz Roja- WWF/Ecuador


Addressing humanitarian and potential environmental crisis resulting from the 2016 devastating earthquake in Ecuador

One year after the 7.8 earthquake that shook the Ecuadorian coast, WWF-Ecuador highlights the importance of integrating environmental aspects into planning, mitigation, adaptation, recovery and reconstruction processes, prior and after a disaster. Proper territorial and participatory planning, the implementation of mitigation/adaptation measures to fight climate change, the adequate and sustainable management of natural resources, are some of the conclusions raised by the team of WWF-Ecuador, after the implementation of six projects focused on the recovery and environmental sustainability of communities in areas that were affected by the earthquake.


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© Estefanía Huacho / WWF Perú


The Saweto Dedicated Grant Mechanism presents early lessons learnt so far, during the implementation of the project

The Saweto Dedicated Grant Mechanism for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Project for Peru presents its first advances in the execution of its objectives and goals to support indigenous communities in 8 selected departments in the Peruvian Amazon in their efforts to improve their sustainable forest management practices; which contributes directly to the mitigation of climate change. The project was designed and is implemented by indigenous Organizations such as CONAP and AIDESEP, with support of WWF Peru as National Executing Agency (NEA), giving technical support and legal advice.


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© WWF/Chile


WWF Chile releases the first report about IUU fishing for common hake in Chile

Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing of common hake could exceed up to twice the total annual quota allocated for this fisheries at a national level. This is the conclusion of a report from WWF Chile, the first study in the country that provides figures regarding IUU fishing and proposes measures to move towards a solution.


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© WWF/ Bolivia


Together possible: WWF Bolivia and the private sector team up for conservation

WWF Bolivia joined forces with Unilever, Banco Bisa and Banco Fassil to present an innovative campaign: #AgenteDeCambioVerde, during Expoforest's 14th edition. Under the motto "Become an agent of change", this alliance summoned civil society to commit to changing attitudes and behaviors in the face of urgent environmental issues.


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© Ismael Torres / WWF-Paraguay


Women in Tavapy inaugurate the small-scale industrial production of shade grown mate

On April 11th, a mechanical yerba mate drier that will provide work for more than 400 families was inaugurated. The mechanical drier is held by the Women's Association Virgen del Rosario, in the community of Colonia Tavapy II, in the Alto Paraná department. A very high quality and environmentally friendly yerba mate, is the product that the rural women in the area will be able to offer to the market, and will be an important source of economic sustainability for their families. It will also enrich the soil of the Atlantic Forest in Alto Paraná.


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© WWF Guatemala / Mesoamérica.


A Regional Project was approved for the conservation of the Mesoamerican Reef System

In April, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) approved the “Integrated Ridge-to-Reef Management of the Mesoamerican Reef” Project (MAR2R) which will be executed by the Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD). WWF will be the implementing agency. This is an important achievement for the conservation of this transboundary system which includes the second largest barrier reef in the world.


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© Michel Roggo / WWF


EFE Verde and WWF launch a new section about the Amazon

The Amazon is the largest tropical forest in the World and a record-breaking biome. Still, it faces great risks and challenges. EFE Verde and WWF joined forces to launch a section dedicated to its challenges and conservation, aimed at making people aware of its importance, through aarticles by WWF experts. 


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© / Doc White / WWF


WWF calls on global tuna industry to be more proactive in stock conservation

The 6th Edition of the European Tuna Conference was held on Apri 24, 2017, in Brussels. It dealt with issues related to the condition of world stocks, the new trends in tuna capture, processing and consumption. WWF was invited to present its ideas about the critical issues affecting the sustainability of tuna fisheries, and how the industry can help solving them.


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© Photoshot License Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo


Illegal wildlife trade occurs in almost 30% of the world's most protected areas

Today, a new report published by WWF urges further and immediate action to halt the worrisome trend of illegal trade in CITES-listed species (CITES) at the most important sites Ecological, including World Heritage sites.


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+1.6K mentions in Hispanic media

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Illegal Traffic
7M reach

Earth Day
6M reach

Data: April 1-30, 2017

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576 retweets in @WWF-LAC (Twitter).
+7K interactions (likes, reactions, comments & shares) originated by contents in Spanish at the WWF Internacional's Facebook

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The Amazon is unique
100 retweets, 86 likes

Featured Post:

Earth Day
1.3K interactions

Data: April 1-30, 2017