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Dear friends and colleagues,

June was a month filled with good news for Latin America. Winds of peace are blowing from Colombia; stories of success were told about Mexico’s reefs; in Honduras, a group of private and public organizations joined their strengths in favor of water security; the work of our colleagues from WWF Chile was publicly recognized; in Argentina, the jaguar was presented on the 500 pesos bill; in Galapagos, a more precise tool to monitor the impact of tourism was implemented; Latin American journalists reinforced their capacity to cover climate change; in Peru, camera traps were installed for the protection of species; the Living Amazon Report 2016 warned about the urgency of a regional approach; and some of our Latin American cities disputed Paris for the title of Global Earth Hour Capital 2016. Enjoy the reading,



Roberto Troya

Vice-president, WWF-LAC

© Mares Mexicanos


Voices of the sea

The project “Voices of the sea” consists of a series of 14 short documentaries that bring to life stories of successful conservation of Mexican seas, mainly reef systems of the Gulf of California and the Mesoamerican Reef. Inspired anecdotes told by researchers and people that live in different communities show that it is possible to live from the sea while protecting ecosystems. This initiative, supported by the Alliance WWF-Carlos Slim Foundation, seeks to be an inspiration to replicate the conservation efforts of marine habitats in several educational and communication channels. Voices of the sea, covers, among other areas and topics, Yelapa and the giant manta ray; Cabo Pulmo and the Reef; Punta Abreojos and its fisheries; Boca de Camichin and its oysters; Community participation and the lionfish; and Isla Mujeres, the sailfish and recreational fishing.



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© WWF Guatemala/Mesoamérica


Flatback turtle at the Cleveland Bay field trip, Queensland - 13 - 19 October 2014. In October 2014, WWF, and its project partners, conducted major research in Cleveland Bay, south of Townsville. The research trip is part of the Rivers to Reef to Turtles project, led by WWF-Australia, in partnership with the Banrock Station Environmental Trust. The goal is to investigate which contaminants are in reef waters, to what degree green turtles are absorbing these contaminants, and how that might be impacting turtle health.
© Christine Hof / WWF-Aus

The Water Security Alliance for San Pedro Sula was launched

WWF and local organizations launched an alliance to protect natural resources in the Sula Valley, particularly in El Merendón Mountain Range, Honduras that supplies 80% of the water that is consumed in San Pedro Sula. The activities foreseen through this alliance include watershed recovery and water replenishment. An agreement was signed among organizations from the private and public sectors such as Cervecería Hondureña, Municipality of San Pedro Sula, Energy, Natural Resources, Environment and Mining Secretariat (MiAmbiente),WWF and GIZ, among others.

For more information contact Sonia Solís, from the Fresh Water Program WWF Guatemala/Mesoamérica


© Juan Esteban Rodríguez / WWF-Colombia


War is over: the first days of a better Colombia

On June 23rd Colombia’s government and the FARC guerrilla made history: they reached an agreement on bilateral ceasefire, putting an end to a five decades long war. Over this years, nature suffered, communities felt a huge impact and to work in conservation, with boots on the ground, became a dangerous task. Now that peace is a reality, WWF-Colombia calls the country to follow the path of sustainable development, of biodiversity, of green economy to have solid basis. This is how peace will be built.


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© Diego Añazco


Preserving the islands through the Galapagos Tourism Observatory

The Galapagos Tourism Observatory, created with the support of WWF Ecuador and other public and private institutions, helps analyze data on the demographic and travel profile of those who come to the Archipelago attracted by its international reputation as the best destination in the world in the category islands, while also helping monitor environmental, social and economic impacts of this activity.



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© Sebastián Castañeda / WWF-Perú


Cajamarca: Tabaconas Namballe Sanctuary, refuge for endangered species

Recently, biologists and specialists of WWF traveled to the Tabaconas Namballe Sanctuary located in San Ignacio Cajamarca, in order to install 140 camera traps with a group of rangers from SERNANP - National Service of Protected Natural Areas by the State. The information obtained will allow us to generate a Conservation Plan that includes measures and solutions how to protect the threatened and endangered species in their fight against climate change and the loss of their habitats.


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© WWF Chile


WWF Chile is recognized in the international Environmental Day

WWF Chile receives award for its environmental work of the past year in the region of Los Rios, mainly technical support for secondary freshwater regulation in Valdivia River Watershed and supporting Reduce Los Ríos campaign to promote in the municipalities of the region reduced use of plastic bags in 12 communes.


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© La Vanguardia Argentina


The jaguar, present in the new banknote of argentine pesos

The Central Bank of Argentina presented the new banknote of 500 argentine pesos, which features a jaguar theme. It was presented in an event featuring the work of Vida Silvestre. The Bank Museum will hold an exposition with content and information about the jaguar, where Vida Silvestre material will be distributed.



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© Staffan Widstrand / WWF


Regional cooperation is critical for the future of the Amazon

The WWF Living Amazon Report 2016 alerts an increase in the frequency of legislative measures enacted to degrade, reduce and phase out in the Amazon (PADDD). The integrity of the Amazon is under the pressure of unsustainable economic activities, and is undergoing unprecedented change. WWF urges the adoption of a regional level approach that integrates the preservation of the Amazon and sustainable development in countries of the region.



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© Shutterstock

City Challenge

Paris takes Global Earth Hour Capital 2016 title

Paris has been a role model for climate action becoming this year’s Global Earth Hour Capital. Selected amongst 18 national finalists, Paris impressed the international jury with their innovative actions, long-term vision and willingness to collaborate towards meeting the Paris climate agreement goals. Within the national finalists, evaluated on their level of ambition and innovation, were Belo Horizonte, Brasil; Monteria, Colombia and Quito, Ecuador.


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Latin America and the Caribbean

Data Journalism and Climate Change

Climate Change is no longer a forecast. More than 30 journalists from major Latin America media, along with a group of experts from WWF, participated in the seminar workshop “Data that Changes environments,” to strengthen media coverage on climate change in LAC. The event that took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, was organized by WWF and Fundación Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano (FNPI), one of the most prestigious journalistic organizations in the Spanish-speaking world. As a result from the meeting, it is important to highlight the pilot production of climate information for media and an active network of journalists and climate.



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In the Media

··· WWF-LAC ···

In the Media

+1300 articles published

Featured articles:


Drinking water and the Amazon Article
+2M people reached


Mining in Protected Areas Article
+15M  people reached

Data: May 1 - 31 

LAC social Media

+685K potential impressions in @WWF-LAC

Near 400K reached in Facebook by the campaign posts

Featured posts:
Amazon Video
+47K people reached       

World Sea Turtle Day
+145K people reached (organic)


Loreto Oil Spill

Data: June 1-30
